Illinois Beer Reviews
Beer is booming in the state that so famously defied Prohibition.
by Noel | English Bitter (ESB) / Pale Ale, Goose Island Beer Company, Illinois, Mug, Pint Glass, United States |
If any beer has to be dubbed Goose Island’s “flagship” brew, Honker’s Ale takes the cake in my opinion. Perhaps it’s not quite as widely respected as their India Pale Ale…but then again, just about every American craft brewery makes an IPA of some sort; not many are...
by Tom Smillie | Illinois, Milk / Sweet / Cream Stout, Mug, Pint Glass, Rock Bottom Brewery, United States |
As I sit down to write a couple reviews I poured a thick, motor oil milk stout to enjoy. Naturally, this demanded its own review so here is a quick shout out for a local favorite. Rock Bottom at Yorktown (Lombard, IL.) has a great line up of beers along with some...
by Team | American IPA, Illinois, Mug, Pint Glass, Two Brothers Brewing Company, United States, Wood-Aged Beers |
Resistance IPA is a special release IPA brewed by Two Brothers Brewing Company in Warrenville, Illinois, just outside of Chicago. It boasts an ABV of 6.9%, is brewed with honeyed malts, and aged in French oak foudres. The following are our thoughts on this beer: Noel:...
by Michael Larson | English Bitter (ESB) / Pale Ale, Illinois, Mug, Pint Glass, Two Brothers Brewing Company, United States |
When I think beer for the ‘long haul’ pictures of InBev’s best pop into my mind. So when Two Brother’s version of a session ale poured into my pint glass, I eased a sigh of relief. It poured a rich, reddish copper with a respectable tan head that lingered in a way in...
by Tom Smillie | American Pale Ale (APA), Emmett's Brewing Company, Illinois, Mug, Pint Glass, United States |
While this beer in bottle form is a new arrival, the significance behind it is rather nostalgic. Last summer I had the privilege of being on a softball team with a random group of guys. Our captain got Emmett’s Ale House to sponsor us which would turn out to be a...
by Tom Smillie | English IPA, Flossmoor Station Brewery, Illinois, Mug, Pint Glass, United States |
After buying a few new glasses yesterday I thought it would be nice to try them out and see if they make my beer drinking experience any better. I purchased a snifter that I had desperately been in need of for some time now, a goblet, and a tapered glass with that...