Coffee Beers Beer Reviews
Brewed with the addition of coffee, or aged on coffee beans.
by Team | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Denmark, Mikkeller Brewery, Mug, Norway, Nøgne Ø Brewery, Oatmeal Stout, Pint Glass, Spirit-Aged Beers |
Tom: Building blocks for taste recognition. This is what Mikkeller does best. He makes a base beer and then expands on it allowing the drinker to get an interesting look into different flavor profiles. Well, this one is no exception. If you have not read any of my...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Norway, Nøgne Ø Brewery, Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter |
Holy Sweetness. This beer is almost too sweet and totally not what you would expect. I had it in my mind this would be something akin to Avery’s Mephistopheles but I was way off. While this beer boasts a huge abv, it is surprisingly hidden by the massive...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Denmark, Mikkeller Brewery, Mug, Norway, Oatmeal Stout, Pint Glass, Spirit-Aged Beers |
Aging this beer for over a year I would put forth the argument that one should not do so for more than six months. Oh sure, it is aged in Bourbon barrels, but after all the abv is not “imperial” strength. If I had aged this any longer I could see it...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Denmark, Imperial Beers, Mikkeller Brewery, Mug, Norway, Oatmeal Stout, Pint Glass |
I will be dead honest…this is a weird beer. When the cap is on and I read the label it seemed unique. However, when I took my first sip I could not help but think, “I’m drinking shit!” Allow me to elaborate. Back when the Dutch controlled...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Denmark, Mikkeller Brewery, Mug, Oatmeal Stout, Pint Glass |
Contrary to what some review sites suggest, this is not a Black IPA. I can see where the flavor might throw someone off, but if you read the label it clearly states that it is an Oatmeal stout brewed with coffee. It just so happens that Mikkeller decided to increase...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Coffee Beers, Denmark, Mikkeller Brewery, Mug, Norway, Oatmeal Stout, Pint Glass |
Brewed with a hearty addition of oats and coffee this beer might be a great way to start the day. I’ll be honest, living in Illinois there is only one beer that can claim the right to drunk in the morning. That beer is none other than Founders Breakfast Stout....