Wood-Aged Beers Beer Reviews
Beers that have been aged in wood barrels or on wood chips. They are earthy with smooth flavors.
by Taylor Birkey | American Brown Ale, California, Fruit Beers, Mug, Pint Glass, Russian River Brewing Company, United States, Wood-Aged Beers |
On a recent snow day a group of us got together to share some brews. We enjoyed some great food, sampled a fantastic home brew (Ruination clone), and got after some tastings. Everyone brought something to share: my contribution was a bottle of Russian River’s...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Imperial / Double IPA, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
Based off their DPA, year seventeen tasted very close to that of its predecessor. It too was aged on American and French oak chips, brandished the same abv, and seemed to embody a similar malt and hop profile. The only thing that was noticeable different was the...
by Tom Smillie | American IPA, Beer Reviews, Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Imperial / Double IPA, Mug, Pint Glass, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
I kept this bomber in my fridge for a year in order to see how it would age. Would the hops fade? Will the abv turn it into more of a barleywine? What about the oak aspect? These were all questions I asked myself throughout the year as I waited 365+ days to enjoy...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Founders Brewing Company, Michigan, Old Ale, Pint Glass, Snifter, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
Curmedgeon. A bad-tempered, crusty, difficult, stubborn, (generally) old person. The label depicts what looks to me like an old John Calvin (college located nearby brewery). Perhaps Founders is suggesting that scholars should step away from the books every once and...
by Tom Smillie | American Strong Ale, California, Mug, Pint Glass, Snifter, Stone Brewing Company, United States, Wood-Aged Beers |
They, Stone, calls this the Cuvee de Bastards and rightly so. It combines and blends the 3 notable variations: Arrogant Bastard, Oaked Aged Bastard, and Double Bastard in this one-off brew that was released in November of 2010. Its release celebrated 13 years since...
by Michael Larson | Allagash Brewing Company, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Goblet, Maine, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
I’ve saved this treat for just such a special occasion. The last evening of a great weekend ‘up north,’ I was happy to share with family. It poured into a tulip glass wonderfully, a solid beige head formed at about an inch, looking like a liquid bed...