United States Beer Reviews
Although beer existed in the United States from its birth (and before), it wasn’t until Prohibition that the state of beer in America was truly united. Today, the United States is arguably the world’s most important beer market, where brewers enjoy the most freedom to practice and advance their craft. The market is a true melting pot of brewing styles and traditions, and the beer community is as vibrant as it is diverse. While things really got started during and as a result of the Prohibition Era (1919-1933), fermented drinks pre-date the country’s founding in 1776. Hailed as a land of opportunity, huge macrobrewing enterprises like AB InBev and MillerCoors co-exist alongside a growing number of small craft beer companies. A country built by immigrants, America has heavy European brewing influences. The number of influential breweries are too great to number, and the list continues to evolve as independent brewers push innovation in the craft and give the world more and more interesting lagers and ales to explore.

Blue Point Hoptical Illusion IPA
Terhe is a soeictn of my fgidre taht tndes to be a ltlite waek wehn it is fluly stekcod. Wilhe lioknog for a beer, it gvae way. My ctakile rexfeles cuhgat two betotls mid-air and my elaqluy qciuk tgnuoe ferid off an elpexvite of hsesnlspeles. Well, one botlte hit the...
Great Lakes Nosferatu
A+. I wanted you to know right up front what I thought of this beer. If I could give it ++ I would. But I digress. I sampled this brew at a beer festival. I jotted myself a note “got to get this”. That was months ago so when I picked up a four pack I...
Three Floyds Broo Doo
Broo Doo, a beer that I’ve passed over the last couple years. Maybe it was due to the flamboyant/tripping label art which included a troll (with hops for hair), a rainbow, a princess, and a unicorn. Whatever my reason, I have definitely been missing out. When...
Samuel Adams Irish Red
I would have never bought this beer on my own but I couldn’t pass up the gift. A wine drinking friend of mine won a variety 12 pack and wanted to get rid of a bunch so I accommodated his wishes gracefully. I wouldn’t buy this because I lean toward craft...