Let me admit right up front I am not a wheat beer drinker. From my first wheat beer to today I don’t appreciate them. In fact I wouldn’t be reviewing 422 unless it came in a Southern Tier variety pack. I buy ST for the pale ale and 2xIPA. That being said I had to drink 422 or give it away. I’ve chosen to drink it and am finding that the more I drink it the better it gets.

This is a sessionable ale which pours straw in color with a nice head and smells of wheat from the get go. If you work at it you can detect a slight malt, some grassy hops and a hint of pear. You’ll taste what you smell with strength. Wheat is dominate. See if you can read it this way—wheat, malt, hops and then pear ending with zesty wheat. Mouthfeel is not thin or thick just nice. A little carbonation come with it. I’d guess if you like a wheat beer you’d like ST. This is one of my favorite brewers and I’m confident that the quality carries over to every one of their brews even this wheat pale ale.

ABV 5.8%

Grade: B