United States Beer Reviews
Although beer existed in the United States from its birth (and before), it wasn’t until Prohibition that the state of beer in America was truly united. Today, the United States is arguably the world’s most important beer market, where brewers enjoy the most freedom to practice and advance their craft. The market is a true melting pot of brewing styles and traditions, and the beer community is as vibrant as it is diverse. While things really got started during and as a result of the Prohibition Era (1919-1933), fermented drinks pre-date the country’s founding in 1776. Hailed as a land of opportunity, huge macrobrewing enterprises like AB InBev and MillerCoors co-exist alongside a growing number of small craft beer companies. A country built by immigrants, America has heavy European brewing influences. The number of influential breweries are too great to number, and the list continues to evolve as independent brewers push innovation in the craft and give the world more and more interesting lagers and ales to explore.

Hoppy Face Amber Ale
Beer Festivals are great. You ought to go at least once in your life. It was a 90+ degree day in St. Paul so by the time I got to the display booth for Hoppy Brewery I was really in the mood for a hoppy beer. I had tried stouts, pilsners, blondes, porters and a number...
Breckenridge Oatmeal Stout
I was visiting a Binny’s in Chicagoland when I asked “the beer man” what was a great stout. He pointed me to Breckenridge Oatmeal. One of my first experiences with a stout was to get an oatmeal stout so I was ready for a very smooth drink. Good...
Bell’s Amber Ale
At first, I didn’t think much of this beer. Simple bottle design notwithstanding, it just didn’t blow me away when I popped the cap and poured it out. A nice amber color (go figure) and decent head. Hints of bread and caramel wafting in your nose…almost akin to a...
Goose Island Summertime Kölsch
It’s 92º in Chicago, which means the humidity is about 80% and the air as heavy as a Guinness. To take a bit of the edge of the brutal summer day, I’ve poured myself Goose Island’s seasonal refresher, Summertime. With a name like that, it just begs to be picked...