Boulevard Brewing Company Beer Reviews
Founded in 1989 and located in Kansas City, Missouri, it offers a number of Belgian style and hoppy beers.
by Tom Smillie | American Strong Ale, Beer Reviews, Boulevard Brewing Company, Dubbel, Goblet, Missouri, Mug, Pint Glass, Snifter, Spiced / Herbed / Vegetable Beers, United States |
A seasonal brew in their Smokestack Series it is rather limited brew, but one you should try at least once. The interplay between chocolate and malt is so well balanced that it creates a very unique flavor that I’ve never come across before. A lot of the times...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Boulevard Brewing Company, Goblet, Missouri, Quadrupel, Snifter, Spirit-Aged Beers, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Take The Sixth Glass add some Bourbon barrels and cherry puree and what do you get? BBQ! As Mark Starr so eloquently put, the name plays tribute to the great culture of KC, Missouri in that Bar-B-Que is a staple. I personally think this beer embodies what a barrel...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Boulevard Brewing Company, Goblet, Missouri, Quadrupel, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
“In the sixth glass sits the Devil himself; he is a little well-dressed man, most charming and pleasant. He understands you and agrees with everything you say. He even brings a lamp to light your way–not to your home, but to his. There is an old legend...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Boulevard Brewing Company, Missouri, Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter, United States |
My second attempt at Boulevard’s Smokestack Series come in the form of a big stout with a Belgian touch. Using a Belgian yeast strain and a massive grain bill this beer does not disappoint. Seriously. It looks very similar to Great Divide’s Belgian...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Boulevard Brewing Company, Missouri, Pint Glass, Saison / Farmhouse Ale, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Wow! I have not had such a good reaction to a beer for some time. This beer is legit! Boulevard takes a classic older style and puts a little new age flare to it…and in a good way. Named in honor of fermentation vessel #7 which apparently produces a medley...
by John | American IPA, Boulevard Brewing Company, Missouri, Mug, Pint Glass, United States |
I found this while roaming up and down the mirco-brewery aisles with a beer rating app in hand. I didn’t want to buy another beer that would be disappointing so I tapped into other’s opinions and found a good one without ever hearing about this brewer. The...