Dubbel Beer Reviews
Moderate ABV of 6-8% with a rich malt backbone. Can possess some spicy aroma, fruity and yeasty flavors.
by Tom Smillie | Abbey St. Martin, Beer Reviews, Belgium, Dubbel, Goblet |
Founded in 1096 St. Martin’s ales are now brewed by Brunehaut Brewery in the same time old tradition. Only four beers make up this line so I choose the darkest brew. A Dubbel by style, this beer has a slightly higher abv similar to that of Trappist Achel Bruin...
by Tom Smillie | American Strong Ale, Beer Reviews, Boulevard Brewing Company, Dubbel, Goblet, Missouri, Mug, Pint Glass, Snifter, Spiced / Herbed / Vegetable Beers, United States |
A seasonal brew in their Smokestack Series it is rather limited brew, but one you should try at least once. The interplay between chocolate and malt is so well balanced that it creates a very unique flavor that I’ve never come across before. A lot of the times...
by Michael Larson | Crown Valley Brewing & Distilling Company, Dubbel, Goblet, Missouri, United States |
I love beer. I think at this point, that’s got to be a fairly obvious point. I love it for the taste, yes, the smell, the look and the unbelievable varieties. But I also love the circumstance that surrounds each brew. I rarely here the hiss of a bottle cap and proceed...
by Team | Belgium, Chimay (Trappist), Dubbel, Goblet |
Michael: Sometimes these reviews keep you guessing. You’re not sure what its going to be, an ultra complex A, or perhaps a middle-of-the-road B. Maybe the beer took a turn for the worst, with the funkiest finish of all time and it plunged to a D. With this review,...
by Michael Larson | Belgium, Dubbel, Goblet, St. Bernardus Brewery |
I stare at the round little man. He’s laughing. Again. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice… St. Bernardus, with its pesky little carbonation problem, has struck again. This time in the form of Prior 8. I knew the chance of explosion was again present, as...
by Tom Smillie | Belgium, Dubbel, Goblet, Trappistes Rochefort |
At the recommendation that PHM review Rochefort 10, I thought it best to start at the beginning and work my way up, but first a little background. I sometimes get the perception that people think Trappist ale is this ultimate beer style that only coinsures and...