Great Divide Brewing Company Beer Reviews
At home in Denver, Colorado, and established in 1994, it boasts numerous Yeti sightings…
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Imperial / Double IPA, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
Based off their DPA, year seventeen tasted very close to that of its predecessor. It too was aged on American and French oak chips, brandished the same abv, and seemed to embody a similar malt and hop profile. The only thing that was noticeable different was the...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Colorado, Goblet, Great Divide Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Wow! This beer holds up to just about any Quad on the market today. Packed with wonderful flavor and boasting a hefty 11% abv it is no wonder they release it January-March (we need something to keep us warm). Allow me to explain why this beer should be one of your...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter, United States |
Just when I thought I was done with my Yeti collection, Great Divide went and brewed a fifth. My bottle, brewed on June 17 2011, met my lips the night of September 19th the same year and I will not be the same again. I figure the malt bill is exactly the same laying...
by Tom Smillie | American IPA, Beer Reviews, Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Imperial / Double IPA, Mug, Pint Glass, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass, Wood-Aged Beers |
I kept this bomber in my fridge for a year in order to see how it would age. Would the hops fade? Will the abv turn it into more of a barleywine? What about the oak aspect? These were all questions I asked myself throughout the year as I waited 365+ days to enjoy...
by Tom Smillie | Colorado, Great Divide Brewing Company, Mug, Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter, Spiced / Herbed / Vegetable Beers, United States |
May 17th, 2011 marked a milestone for me. I can now proudly say that I’ve sampled the Yeti Imperial Stout Series. It took me two years as this particular brew seemed to elude me, but at last the four variations (see also Yeti, Oak-Aged, and Espresso Oak-Aged) have...
by Michael Larson | Belgian IPA, Colorado, Goblet, Great Divide Brewing Company, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Purchased for a neighborhood get together as something ‘a little different,’ Belgica found its way into my glass just a bit before the crowd showed up. Like, three days. But it was a new beer to me, and new beers don’t sit untouched for too long in my back room mini...