I kept this bomber in my fridge for a year in order to see how it would age. Would the hops fade? Will the abv turn it into more of a barleywine? What about the oak aspect? These were all questions I asked myself throughout the year as I waited 365+ days to enjoy this beer. I plan to sample their 17th Anniversary as it released just a few weeks ago.
I can tell you that this beer does not disappoint a year later (I’m sure it would still be good 2 years out if kept in a fridge). At first pour this beautifully copper-Bourbon beer fell into the glass providing sparks of a vibrant orange as is swished around. The head that was created boasted a light orange cream color as it was fluffy, dense and formed semi-quickly. After a year sediment does collect at the bottom so if you are careful you can get two clear glasses when decanted.
I’m not sure if this is dry hopped, but the nose hints towards it. Even after a year, a huge hop nose rose from the bottle and glass to greet me. Pine notes prevailed as secondary hints of peach and mango were present. The abv was minor, yet noticeable. It, combined with the citrus hop qualities, lend that pineapple syrup smell you get when opening a can of Dole pineapple rings. Toasty caramel notes are found on the malt side of things. These aromas are all brought together by the abv/tannin dryness. The French and American oak lays down an earthy dimension without being overpowering (like Two Brothers Heavier Handed was).
With regards to the mouthfeel I’d say it was moderate. The oak aging added some depth and body even though it was pretty clean. The hops were earthy, somewhat dank and pungent, and piney. Tasted like a Northwest Pacific type of hop. When compared to Rumble, this beer does not have as much of a hoppy punch or pop to it. The caramel notes provide some deeper flavors that envelop the palate and aid in alleviating the abv intensity. If you sample some of the sediment in your glass it will possess a bready quality which adds mouthfeel and body. There is a sharp resiny bitterness towards the finish that reminds you this is a Double IPA. Overall, I’d say this was an fine oak aged IPA worth getting every year.