New Holland Brewing Company Beer Reviews
American microbrewery located in New Holland, MI and established in 1996.
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, India Pale Ale (IPA), Michigan, Mug, New Holland Brewing Company, Pint Glass, Rye Beer / Roggenbier, United States |
Dang! This beer has some giddy up. Both in the malt and hop categories. Allow me to explain. Once you get past the great color this beer has, an orange-copper hue, you are in for a treat. The plume of delicate foam that laces invites you to waft in the hoppy sweet...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgian IPA, Belgian Pale Ale, Goblet, Michigan, New Holland Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
A new variation of their Mad Hatter IPA since last time I sampled a flight of them in 2010. This one incorporates an interesting Belgian yeast strain to the mix which pairs rather well with the hop profile. Do not be fooled by the old “American Gothic”...
by Tom Smillie | Cascadian Dark Ale / Black IPA, Michigan, Mug, New Holland Brewing Company, Pint Glass, United States |
Reflecting back on the Mad Hatter night at Bavarian Lodge I must say my appreciation for the beer has changed. Back then I found this average, but after sipping on this bomber I won me over. I guess my reason for the grade was due to the fact that I had not sampled...
by Michael Larson | American Barleywine, Michigan, New Holland Brewing Company, Pint Glass, Snifter, United States |
I was first pleased to meet Pilgrim’s Dole at a cheese market located in the heart of a Chicago suburb. It made an impression on me and was pleased to find a bottle through the random use of a Groupon…I digress. In color, its practically a chameleon. Under the...
by John | Imperial / Double IPA, Michigan, New Holland Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
It poured amber. Nice amber if you know what I mean. Clear, fresh, inviting. Good lacing on a white head but it was the aroma that drew me in. Hops. Lots of hops. Grapefruit to the max. This rivals my favorite beer. I love dark beers that say “relax” and I...
by Tom Smillie | Goblet, Michigan, New Holland Brewing Company, Snifter, Tripel, United States |
After a productive evening being a worker bee around the house I decided it was time to unwind and enjoy the cool breeze, my hammock, and a beer. Searching the newly arrive shelf I located a new release by New Holland that fell in their high gravity series. The label...