Dang! This beer has some giddy up. Both in the malt and hop categories. Allow me to explain.
Once you get past the great color this beer has, an orange-copper hue, you are in for a treat. The plume of delicate foam that laces invites you to waft in the hoppy sweet smells that rise from the glass. Something I didn’t notice while pouring the Black Hatter is that these beers are unfiltered so there will be some sediment in the bottom.
Juicy wet hops prevail over a very pleasant toasty, spicy malt profile. There are sweet caramel notes which provide a base for the fruity citrus hop aromas that are present. Pineapple, mango, grapefruit, and lemon are the most prevalent. The piney quality from the hops and spiciness from the rye malt compliment each other well lending a kick to the beer without the help of the abv.
Enjoying each sip, Rye Hatter has a nice biscuity flavor that contrasts the spicy rye malt used. Similar to a Red ale night toasted bread notes and caramel wash over the palate giving some sweetness to counteract the hops. They are for the most part pretty bitter and fruity. I’d say they have an edge on the malt ever-so-slightly. The finish is resinous, rich, and refreshing for a Fall evening (maybe not to much during the summer months). There is a gentle caramel/light toffee aftertaste on the palate which helps balance the dang hop quality at the end.