Gueuze Beer Reviews
A blending of an old Lambic (2-3 years) and a new Lambic. Great balance between acidic and fresh flavors.

Oud Beersel Oude Geuze
Winning best ‘World’s Best’ & ‘Europe’s Best’ Lambic/Gueuze in 2011, I was interested to see how this beer would rank among the ones I’ve sampled. To be honest, after sampling one style all the different breweries...
Hanssens Artisanaal Oude Gueuze
I was not able to find much information on this brewery, but I’ve seen them on the shelves for some time now and they make a gueuze I decided to give them a try. This blended lambic was aged for over three years before being sent out into the world so there in...
Boon Geuze Mariage Parfait 2007
A perfect marriage or harmony. That is what you have here. Unlike Boon’s standard Geuze which is a blend of young and old lambic, this beer is a blend of 3 year old lambic. Therefore it is a vintage beer blended by the brewers for the purpose of pure...
Boon Oude Geuze
Reflecting over the last few months my taste for Lambic beers has taken off. Boon’s traditional Geuze finds my palate after sampling their Mariage Parfait (a vintage blend) and some of my favorite gueuze beers from Cantillon, Drie Fonteinen, and Girardin....