Brouwerij Boon Beer Reviews
Located in the town of Lembeek on the outskirts of Brussles, Belgium, Frank Boon has been producing quality Lambic beers for years bringing with him a new found appreciation for the style.
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgium, Brouwerij Boon, Flute Glass, Gueuze, Lambic, Snifter, Stange, Tulip |
A perfect marriage or harmony. That is what you have here. Unlike Boon’s standard Geuze which is a blend of young and old lambic, this beer is a blend of 3 year old lambic. Therefore it is a vintage beer blended by the brewers for the purpose of pure...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, Belgium, Brouwerij Boon, Flute Glass, Gueuze, Snifter, Stange, Tulip |
Reflecting over the last few months my taste for Lambic beers has taken off. Boon’s traditional Geuze finds my palate after sampling their Mariage Parfait (a vintage blend) and some of my favorite gueuze beers from Cantillon, Drie Fonteinen, and Girardin....