Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy Beer Reviews
Just like the name suggests. A heavy, full-bodied ale with rich flavors.

Orkney Skull Splitter
Today, I’m reviewing The Skull Splitter: The Orkney Brewery’s homage to the great—or terrible (depending on who you are)—Thorfinn “Skullsplitter” Hauskaluif—spelled how it sounds (depending on who you are). The beer nearly got pulled from market a couple years ago...
Samuel Adams Wee Heavy
Its not often that I’m sipping a brew before noon. Even a breakfast stout feels a little weird if I can still pick up my phone and greet ‘good morning.’ But on this oh-so-special occasion, I have decided to imbibe a bit before the minute and hour hands meet at the 12....
Founders Backwoods Bastard
Michael: This go ‘round, I know what I’m getting into. Last time I was in the ring with the Bastard, he kicked my unsuspecting ass. I didn’t know what a Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy was, I didn’t know that when Founders said ‘It’s a kick-back sipper,’ they absolutely meant...
Summit 90/- Scottish Style Ale
Tom: One weekend in the Summer I purchased at sample pack of Summit beers which included their Pils, Belgian Wit, Hefe, and Pale. This was my first experience with this brewery and I was not left wanting. The beers were solid and close to style. I had their Horizon...