With a shimmering, ever changing amber-brown-orange, this ale seemed more seductive than arrogant. The head frothed a bit, puffed itself up and out and then receded into the body below, simply and slyly beckoning me. Knowing only that it was an ale and that it was one of Stone’s notoriously cocky brews, I was intrigued. Despite the recent release of Stone beers in the Chicagoland, I had not procured mine at a local store, but had previously picked it off the shelf of a Wisconsin establishment, just a single, mixed among other fine crafts.

The first, and most surprising, revelation was the scent. Rather than a syrupy, malty, sweet Belgian-type ale, it was hop heavy and potent! Citrus abounded, but was definitely blended well with hints of sweets that became more prominent as it warmed. The taste was much more bitter and hoppy than anything else. I was anticipating a smoothness from the oak, but didn’t necessarily feel it was any more present than a normal brew would be. It lacked any oak on the palate either. There was still a bit of citrus and perhaps some pine in the taste. It went down well, a good balance of smooth and carbonation. Overall, while not a mind-blowing experience, this beer is well-crafted, slightly complex and generally satisfying.

This was my first Stone experience and I can definitely say it won’t be my last. Oh and if you’re perhaps just a novice to beer, don’t be intimidated by this one. Show that Arrogant Bastard who’s boss.

ABV: 7.2%

Grade: A-