You are going to get more than you bargained for in this review. Why? Because I’m going to tell you about an incredible craft beer store first. This has got to be a destination store for you. Come to Minneapolis/St. Paul or at least plan to spend an extra couple hours in our fair cities next time you are up here. Spend time at “The Four Firkins” Beer Store. Unbelievable if you like craft beer and essential if you love craft beer. First look at the website and then come on up. “Four Firkins” in named for the equivalent of a beer barrel with four firkins (40 liters each) of brew making a full barrel. But besides the catchy name you have one of the finest craft beer stores in the Midwest if not beyond. No wine here! (Do I hear cheering in the background?) Only craft beer! I didn’t even see the cheep stuff displayed. Maybe they had some Bud in the back room but not out where the thought would spoil my appetite. A great location in a beautiful new store decorated like craft beer drinkers would like. Dark, elegant and oaky all over the place. Once you see the selection you think “Help! Is there anyone to guide me through this maze of seemingly unlimited choices?” (I felt like a kid in a candy store). Yes there. Highly qualified, friendly beer guys are ready but not too ready to advise you. Ok, now for the beer review. Steel Toe Brewing is located in the same city as Four Firkins–St. Louis Park, Mn. The brewery opened in August of 2011 and if they keep things up will be around for a long time. Their “Size 7” IPA is a killer! “A” grade at least. Bright golden reddish color with a outstanding nose for IPA lovers. The head is strong. Not lacy but long lasting. The grapefruit is dominant. Pines and other citrusy stuff comes through as well. Wow, what a beer. Intense hops like the great stuff that comes out of Portland and the NW with a quiet malt in the background. If you are a “hop head” get a couple bombers and call your friends. The mouthfeel is smooth, almost chewy and very rich. Bitter as it should be but not too much. The finish coats the palate for good memories of a great beer. Get up here and buy this beer!
Steel Toe Brewing Size 7 IPA
by John | American IPA, Minnesota, Mug, Pint Glass, Steel Toe Brewing, United States | 0 comments