From the first, it seemed like I was in for a sweet experience. The look of the brew seemed less like the thick, dense coffee-like stout and more like root beer. Bubbles of carbonation even crawled up the sides, making me feel like dropping a few scoops of ice cream in and sipping it through a straw. The scent was immediately syrupy-sweet. Maple and vanilla the predominant two, the candyness continued. At first, the scent overwhelmed my taste buds and I could only sense the vanilla, but as I finished the vanilla literally turned burnt, like the candied surface of the French’s finest desert. Going down, it was, again, less dense than I anticipated, thinner and carbonated. I enjoyed it, but over nearly 3/4 of an hour, looking at it as a rich piece of chocolate cake to be savored at the meals end.
ABV: 10%
Grade: B
Nice review, Michael. I love me some créme bruleé, will have to try this one out.