So many things of note here, before I even crack the bottle. First, what is bigger than a Sasquatch? Nothing, I would argue, so already this stout is setting itself up to be a big brew. Second, the bottle is emblazoned with the phrase “brewed behind the Cheddar Curtain.” Yes, yes they did.
So before a drop has touched my glass, much less my mouth, this stout already has me laughing and intrigued. Marketing mission accomplished, I suppose. As I’m at the cabin, my glass supply is quite limited, but the color and head of this stout do my Guinness glass proud. It’s deeply black, the light brown head like a dollop of cream that has settled to a frothy layer. The scent gives promise. It just feels well done, caramel notes, hints of coffee and complexity that leads me to believe this will be a good brew. And it pretty much is. The burnt coffee notes come to the forefront, big time. They are bold and bitter and lasting. If you like burnt, this is a great one. However, if you want it to go anywhere from there, you’ll be a little bit let down. It continues in it’s palate-assaulting burntness, seriously strong. The mouthfeel is plain, thicker than a porter, but nothing close to some of the engine oil textured brews I’ve had the pleasure of sipping on more than one occasion.
It ends up being decent, nothing too special, but one can always appreciate when someone goes for something and goes big. The Sasquatch is huge on burnt, so if that’s your thing, than this is just your animal.
I guess the Sasquatch is no match for the Yeti.