Smells medicinal, a greeny, almost menthol spice, cough drop anyone? Also picking up some black licorice, cloves and maybe cinnamon.

Dark almost black brown color with decent head but vanishes pretty quickly leaving only a faint film. Loosely resembles the surface of the moon.

It has a very herb-y, floral note that you cannot miss, unfortunately to me it resembles something like Lysol and it’s a bit of a turn off. Thankfully we get to drink beers, not just smell them.

Snowbound has a good amount of carbonation and is fairly full bodied. Creamy, a tad bit spicy, and the alcohol content being 8.6% adds to the spice and warming effect. Soft and quiet and flowery up front, then full bodied with a lot of zing at the end. An intriguing combination however, this beer doesn’t leave me wanting to continually drink it. Definitely a sipper to be enjoyed with a companion or two.

Not terrible, not something I’d really go back to.

ABV: 8.6%

Grade: C