Some tasting notes about Lagunitas’ Wilco Tango Foxtrot, “a malty, robust, jobless recovery ale.” I shared a 22 oz bomber with a buddy – here are my notes on this one:
- Combo of red, dark orange, brown hues
- Smells deliciously of hops- a bit oily– slightly fruity- very fresh smelling
- Taste is big and malty with a nice balance of bitterness from the hops
- A smorgasbord of flavors- like a mix of an IPA, a red ale, and a brown ale
- Take characteristics of all three styles- put them together in balance, and that’s what this is. Malty, yet spicy, with good brown ale notes mixed in.
- Medium bodied- but on the bigger, side. Far from a sipper, this is actually quite drinkable. Called an Imperial Brown Ale on the Lagunitas website. Quite good, and very smooth. Recommended. Very interesting mix of flavors from 3 different styles.
ABV: 7.83%
Grade: A-
Yeah, WTF is right. How does Lagunitas consistently produce high ABV tasty beers for under $4 a 22oz? I don’t know and frankly I don’t care.