First let’s get the name right. Lagunitas is pronounced “LAH-GOO-KNEE-TUSS”. I hate mispronouncing beers but do it all the time. Say “LAH-GOO-KNEE-TUSS” with me. Now let’s turn to mondo. Mondo means huge right. Not a lot of Swedes know that. Well huge it is. This Lucky 13 is a wonderfully balanced mondo ale with huge hops and malts and a nice huge smokey flavor. I shared a bomber with a couple buddies and was disappointed that I couldn’t have the whole thing to myself after I tasted this brew. It pours a nice clear reddish-amber and displays a fluffy head that becomes lacy. You’ll smell the pine and citrus immediately and then some pineapple and sweetness. Just a subtle bitterness in the end that makes it memorable. Mouthfeel is comforting and lasting. Watch out for the ABV. At 8.3% and the refreshing, inviting flavor you’ll have to be careful if you know what I mean. Haven’t seen it in six packs but am hoping.
Lagunitas Lucky 13 Mondo Large Red Ale
by John | American Amber / Red Ale, California, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Pint Glass, United States | 0 comments