Goose Island Demolition is a wonderful brew from the famed Chicago craft brewery that I found to be quite satisfying. A buddy of mine shared this one with me over a meal of my signature curry chicken, and it hit the spot. First a little background from the brewmaster: Demolition is “brewed to honor the brave souls who kept our brewpub open in the early 90’s while wrecking balls tore down the mall around us. Dry and smooth, with a grassy, citrus aroma and honey malt middle.”
First of all, I really like the simple label on this bomber. Like Goose Island’s other Belgians, Matilda, Pere Jacques, Juliet, and Sofie, Demolition’s label is simple, made of quality paper, with empty space and not too much going on. Reminds me of a simple wine label.
This Demolition, served chilled, poured a wonderful golden color into the snifter. Not much of a head. The smell was definitely grassy and citrusy, and also definitely had a bready (aka yeasty) tone. I have not really made it into a love of wheat beers, and this one smelled sort of like a wheat beer, but was not overpowering.
After the first sip I guess I was taken aback … I am so used to the more hoppy beers from Goose Island (Honker’s and IPA to be exact) that it was surprising tasting a beer like this … it really did taste European, if that counts for anything. I’ve learned that that is due mostly to the yeasty front of the taste, but this beer actually finishes with some spiciness that is more akin to American Pale Ales.
In all I think this beer has some character, and I would definitely drink it again. It was not too heavy, and blended American and European flavors in an interesting way. Goose Island Demolition did not knock my socks off, but was better than average. It’s a must if you’re from Chicago, or like Belgian beer.
ABV: 6.7%
Grade: B
awesome label!
yeah…tight label!
the old label wasn’t cutting it.
this looks like my type of beer, on the must try soon list! thanks tay!
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