This beer has more awards than Michael Phelps. After you try it you’ll know why. Especially if you love hops. It poured a beautiful color. Deep, rich amber that is inviting all on its own. A one finger head hangs around longer than normal and leaves a curtain of lace down to the last drop. The aroma is dominated by hops. But not shallow, cheap hops. Even from the fragrance you know a strong IPA is in your hand. Although this is full of hops, the backbone of malts keeps it rich rather than cheap. From the initial hit of general hops my taste buds turned to citrus hops, piney hops, grapefruit and caramel in that order. Fascinating complexity and fun at the same time. I’m one that doesn’t appreciate thin mouthfeel so I was pleased to experience something that was almost chewy. If you are a hop head you are going to love this beer. The alcohol is covered so no booze taste and a beer that you’ll want to sip all afternoon. Deschutes did it again. Hope they turn this “experimental” into a permanent. Glad they made it all they way to Minnesota. Hope you can find it near your place.