I was on a “beer drop mission” from Minnesota to Binny’s in Chicago when I picked up this little gem. I was dropping off some Surly’s when I asked “the beer man” at Binny’s about a good IPA. He said Red Racer was voted the best IPA of the Binny’s Liquor Store chain for 2010. I couldn’t pass it up. The beer comes in cans and is from Canada. I like both of those. Let’s start with the appearance. Clear, amber and bright. The head isn’t impressive or long lasting. Now the smell. Hops is dominate but caramel and malt are “supportive”. From there it goes to grapefruit, citrus, spicy, herbal and grassy hops. Not smelled a IPA like this one. Although the hops are strongest, as you would hope, there is a nice malt backbone. Both pale and caramel malts are prominent. Then my favorite–grapefruit. Nice grapefruit. From there it takes the turn to herbs and a long grassy bitterness. A good bitterness. The mouth fell is wonderful. Silky smooth and medium with a “filmy” end that stays on the lips and tongue. A great IPA. Well balanced. I can see why Binny’s went with this. If you don’t mind grassy hops you’ll love this. This Canadian IPA competes well with the USA leaders.