Beer drinkers and teetotalers alike tend to be familiar with Oktoberfest. It is the 16 day festival held in Germany every year in late September and early October. Millions of visitors come every year to participate in this legendary festival. Marzenbier is the beer that is traditionally served at Oktoberfest. The name of this type of beer means “March beer” because it was the last month this beer could be brewed to be stored for the summer supply. At the end of the summer (September and October) any beer that was left would be ceremonially consumed. This tradition has continued for hundreds of years and therefore Marzenbier is associated with Oktoberfest.
This was my first Marzen style beer. It pours a golden, amber color. The smell consists primarily of hints of banana and fragrant malts. There is also a slight caramel scent. I can see why this beer would be consumed at Oktoberfest because it is very easy drinking. It starts sweet but it finishes bitter. The bitter taste is of earthy hops and even has a grainy feel on the tongue. The finish was unexpected and kind of weird for me.
While I don’t have any other Marzenbiers to compare this one to, I didn’t think there was anything special about this one. Overall it was a decent beer but nothing memorable about it. I’m not sure I would get this beer again unless I make it to Germany for Oktoberfest.
ABV: 5.8%
Grade: B
You are right on man! I had this in the Fall and it come in #5 after Sam Adams Oktoberfest, Spaten Ur-Marzen, Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest, and Great Lakes Oktoberfest.
Good review.
The structure in the label looks like a happy place from Thomas the Tank Engine. Except they make beer there.
Wow, good call Matt. It is an interesting choice of picture for the label!
I would argue that happy places are synonymous with places where beer is made. Call me crazy.