Avery Reverend is a Belgian Quadrupel Ale brewed in Boulder, Colorado. The brewers tell us that “The Reverend, was created in tribute to the life of Sales Mgr. Tom Boogaard’s grandfather, an ordained Episcopal Reverend.’ I’m always looking for connections between beer and my vocation.

My experience with this beer fits with the marketing line description as “strong willed, assertive and a heart of candy sugar.” If you like a sweet beer (but not obnoxious) you’ll love this brew. Its appearance is clear bronze. Very inviting. The smell is wonderful. Fragrant, spicy with a hint of molasses. In fact, it smells “smooth”. Figure that out! This beer is complex! With each sip I look for cherries, currants or the sweetness of molasses. Smooth is the way to describe the mouth feel. I was surprised by the feel which matched the taste. Light beers taste “thin” to me this feels “thick and rich.” With no after taste. Overall I loved this beer. I’m a quad drinker mainly because I want to have the experience last for more than a brief moment. This brew stretched out the beer drinking experience. A word of warning! It is a beer to be sipped not guzzled. With the 10% alcohol content you’ve got to be careful or you’ll quickly forget about the taste. One of my favorites.

ABV: 10.0%

Grade: A (I’d give it a “+” but I want somewhere to go…)