The cool crisp nights are returning here to the Chicagoland area and after a hard day in the office I decided to unwind with a brew fit for just the occasion. Ale Asylum makes some great beers and this one is no exception. I bought a six pack of this beer in Wisconsin and drank three of them rather quickly. If I remember correctly, I had one warm and the other two at cellar temperatures. The remaining three I laid down for a few months opening one every two months or so. Since Ale Asylum’s brews are unfiltered I wanted to see if the flavors would develop a little with some time. The verdict…yes!
While I would not recommend aging a 4.8% abv porter for very long, this beer actually picked up some body and character during its time in a dark box. Pouring a lovely deep brown-garnet shade it was accented by a beige silk head that did not last too long. A pretty standard looking porter in my book.
What was really outstanding was the aroma. Overall, it smelled like a porter: roasty, coffee, etc. However, when I plunged my nose deeper in I picked up a much more rich and earthy component. Like a campfire almost. There was a mineral-like that combined with the bready yeasty that made me thing I was in London enjoying a porter. There was a excellent charred wood aroma that stood out, yet let the deep roasted grains add to the mix.
The taste was very similar to its sensory cousin. One thing I noticed in the bottles I aged was a much more full mouthfeel. Chewy and chocolaty, it was not like a stout, but not as astringent. The coffee flavors in the middle of each sip were like a rich breakfast blend. The finish was dry and chalky due to the yeast, malts, and mineral quality. I wholeheartedly enjoyed this porter and would recommend it for these upcoming Fall months.