Pours a copper, slightly cloudy red color, 1 finger head; beer eventually clears quite well.
Aroma is quite surprising, pleasant, and pleasing. Chocolate, caramel, coffee candy- really quite impressive. Like the inside of a coffee or candy shop.
Taste: I definitely get a roasted note, with a light coffee aftertaste which is really good. The middle of the sip offers a good mix of caramel and roasted barley, with a mouthfeel that is not overpowering and causes me to want more. It’s carbonated to the point where the beer feels creamy to my palate, yet I wouldn’t consider this a creamy beer at all. It just has such a soft finish, no crispness, but in this beer that works. The hops are well hidden, although present. After every sip I’m getting the roasted note and it really fits with this beer.
Overall I really enjoyed this beer. A welcome relief from the hop focused beers I’ve gravitated toward lately. I’m happy I bought this and thoroughly enjoyed this “no-name” beer. Trader Joe’s and Goose Island strike again.
ABV: 5.8% (Thanks to Claudia @ Goose Island for tracking down the brewery spec sheet to verify ABV)
Grade: B