I love wheats. The Wisconsin-only brewer, doesn’t disappoint. That’s right, those of you who aren’t in the state of cheese are out of luck on this one, you’ll have to grab it while driving through like I did. The refreshing brew pours a light golden straw, with a one finger head and a non-descript off-white foamy head. It breathes in cloves and citrusy herbs and tastes very much of the same. The prevalent herb takes a backseat, however, to a bitter, but not unpleasing, banana aftertaste. As usual for wheats, it drinks beautifully, coating the mouth a bit, but going down smooth. As winter creeps in and the days of sunshine and sipping on the back porch are long gone, this beer was a fitting tribute to fall and a beacon of hope on the other side of a long, long, long, long, long … midwestern winter.

ABV: 5.95%

Grade: A