I judge books by their cover. I judge beers by their labels. There, I said it.
So, Estrella Damm Inedit happens to be the coolest label and bottle of beer that I’ve ever seen. I just had to try it.
Inedit comes from the well-known Spanish brewery Estrella Damm out of Barcelona, Spain. Their flagship lager can be seen in the TV show Eli Stone (sadly no longer on air).
According to the label, Inedit was crafted in cooperation with the brewmasters at Estrella Damm, a globally acclaimed chef, and a couple sommeliers. The company’s website touts it as this unique brew unlike any other and to be paired specifically with “exquisite and challenging foods”, especially ones containing citrus and oils.
I will say that this brew was refreshingly different for me than what I usually drink, but not so unique that it surprised my taste buds with flavors I’ve never before tasted. Brewed with a blend of barley malts, wheat, hops, coriander, orange peel, and yeast this beer is actually similar to a Belgian white.
It sounds as if I am downplaying this beer. I actually enjoyed it very much. It was refreshing and there was a definitive fresh yeast presence that was quite pleasant. Normally I balk at beers with an excess of coriander and orange peel but these flavors were so subtle in the Inedit. The mouthfeel was not crisp like a lager but actually had more of a rounded feel to it. I think the take away descriptor from this beer was refreshing. Yes, refreshing indeed. I would recommend a try.
ABV: 4.8%
Grade: B+
Man, that bottle is jawsome.