Over the weekend I found a stubby green bottle hanging out all by its lonesome in the back of my fridge. Apparently I did not give it much thought at the point of purchase nor over the last couple weeks. However, what I’ve come to find is that I picked up a gem in the form of a Maibock.

This bock is brew in the German city of Einbeck. What does that have to do anything you might ask? Let me provide a brief history lesson. Back in the 14th century the city of Einbeck produced a malty brew with no real name (probably associated with the city’s name). As the trade of beer began to rise, styles were then replicated in other German cities. Munich adapted and started production of this beer and dubbed it a Bock. It is rumored that the name “bock” comes from an appellation or dialect butchering of the city Einbeck. Some believe that since it is brewed under the zodiac sign Capricorn that it was named after the German word for a male goat (the reason you see picture of goats in conjunction with this style). In any case, the origins of bock beers started in Einbeck and it is now widely brewed around the world.

Side note: Maybe Chicago Cub fans should stop complaining about the curse of the goat and start drinking bock beer in order to reverse the curse. I’m sure it would be a great substitute from Old Style. Now, before I get your goat and incur retaliatory comments, just remember … there is always next year.

On to the beer! It is a pale/orange color, slightly hazy, but clears as it warms. The head and initial aroma were inviting with a rich malts and lager notes. There was a slight alcohol presence, but for the most part it is pretty smooth with earthy/semi-spicy hop undertones.

The taste is sweet and malt-centered. There are minor toasted grain highlights and the spiciness from the noble hops is more noticeable. With a sweet start, smooth middle, and slight crisp finish it is well-balanced beer. The mouthfeel has a medium body and pleasant lager qualities (the smoothness increased with time). I was left with a dry malty aftertaste. I’ll admit my American tastes prefer Rogue’s Dead Guy, but I appreciated having a brew from the source.

ABV: 6.5%

Grade: B+