The last of four Chatoe GYO brews, John Maier adds a little twist by adding a sour ale to the mix. Using an additional Belgian yeast strain and introducing cherries in the brewing process the old Flemish style ales of old come to mind.
When examining its appearance I found a cloudy blend of reds, browns, and burnt orange tones with a beige head that is not so significant, but lingers around. Upon my initial smell I was taken back a little. I have come to expect a big hoppy or malty beer from Rogue so when I got a large hint of cherries and yeast my mind thought, “surely this isn’t a Rogue brew?” It is and don’t call it Shirley…I jest.
There was a tartness to the smell, a pop, crisp fruitiness, some tannins, and no oak notes. The malts stayed in the background as all I got was a nose full of cherries.
Moving on the payoff, I found the same thing. It was more cherry than anything and not in a mild way…in your face sour/tart. I received nothing complimentary from the hop department except a faint glimpse at the finish. I was expecting a fresh malt and hop explosion, but the cherries overpowered and had a puckering effect.
On the other hand the yeast was very noticeable and probably the highlighting feature of this brew. It helped to usher in the tart cherry salvo with a lively barrage of funk. Towards the end of my glass I noticed the carbonation had been pretty intense the entire time which caused me to think more in terms of a kriek lambic (which makes perfect sense given the name). Not sure why I didn’t put the two together until I wrote this. In that case I used the wrong glass.
In the end I’m glad the cherries were tart and not too sweet or it would have been a big bomber to finish. Not sure I gravitate towards this style, but I can appreciate its place.