Massachusetts Beer Reviews
There never, ever would have been a Boston Beer Party.

Samuel Adams Chocolate Bock
We’re having a late dinner tonight, it got pushed back so the fresh, goodness-stuffed basil ravioli in the fridge will just have to wait another hour. With a bit of time to kill, a brew felt right. And tonight, I decided I would have dessert before dinner. So...
Samuel Adams Irish Red
I would have never bought this beer on my own but I couldn’t pass up the gift. A wine drinking friend of mine won a variety 12 pack and wanted to get rid of a bunch so I accommodated his wishes gracefully. I wouldn’t buy this because I lean toward craft...
Samuel Adams Blackberry Witbier
I picked up a Summer seasonal pack of Sam Adams (who by the way redesigned their website) the other day and finally got around to opening up a bottle. My first beer of choice was their Blackberry Witbier which was selected over as the 2008 winner of the Beer Lover’s...
Harpoon IPA
The first time I had Harpoon’s IPA I was mildly disappointed. As their flagship beer my expectations were high hoping that it would be a knock-out product. Thankful, I had one more in the fridge with which to review. I must say that it has grown on me and should be...