Surly Brewing Company Beer Reviews
Located in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Founded in 2005. The motto: “Beer for a glass, from a can.”

Surly Four Double Espresso Milk Stout
After several months of sitting in my fridge and repeated trips to and from my parents ending in unsuccessful sampling, I have finally come to the perfect tasting time. Amidst the feet of snow on the suburban Minnesota lawn out the window, and a long night ahead, a...
Surly Smoke Lager
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in MN? Drink Surly. Today, I had the pleasure of drinking my second in a series of Surly special release beers. Less impressed than I had hoped with Four, I still had high expectations of Smoke. My father’s generous gift pours...
Surly Abrasive Ale
Michael: Cold calling is a necessary evil. I’ve been doing it for a few months, now, and despite a bit of a tenure, was shocked off the phone today. I won’t bore you with the details, but needless to say a pint of something by Surly, specifically their Abrasive Ale,...
Surly CynicAle
Main Entry: cyn·ic Pronunciation: \’si-nik\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle French or Latin, Middle French cynique, from Latin cynicus, from Greek kynikos, literally, like a dog, from kyn-, kyon dog Date: 1542 1 capitalized : an adherent of an ancient Greek...