Port Brewing Company Beer Reviews
Craft brewery located in San Marcos, CA. Founded in 2006 with immediate success, winning 2 prestigious awards in back to back years.
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, California, Imperial / Double IPA, Port Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Created to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Pizza Port location, this beer is the brain child of hop heads. It utilizes a medley of 15 different hops (varieties not given) that are then added in 15 minutes increments. If that does not excite the inner hop junkie...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, California, Pint Glass, Port Brewing Company, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter, United States |
With the Fall months almost behind us I thought it was time to bust out a fairly aged bottle of Santa’s Little Helper in preparation for Winter. Last weekend I cut the lawn for the last time this year and started putting up plastic over the windows to seal help...
by Tom Smillie | Beer Reviews, California, Pint Glass, Port Brewing Company, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter, Spirit-Aged Beers, United States |
A base Port Brewing Imperial Stout + Bourbon barrel = deliciousness. Seriously! It is good stuff. Some time back I had the pleasure of brewing for the day with Tim Marshall (former Senior brewer at Rock Bottom-Lombard). Before we started brewing he let me sample...
by Tom Smillie | American IPA, Beer Reviews, California, Imperial / Double IPA, India Pale Ale (IPA), Mug, Pint Glass, Port Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States, Wine Glass |
Had this beast of a beer last year at the Bavarian Lodge and loved it. I’ll tell you right now, this thing might as well be a double/imperial IPA even thought Port calls it a Strong APA. The ABV is definitely up there and it is hoppy as all get out. Released...
by Taylor Birkey | American Amber / Red Ale, California, Imperial Beers, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Pint Glass, Port Brewing Company, United States |
Port Brewing Company is located in San Marcos, California, and is also known by its other name, The Lost Abbey. You may have had beers from both names and thought they were different … but they’re the same. Ever since I tasted Grand Teton Brewing...
by Tom Smillie | California, Flanders Red Ale, Flute Glass, Port Brewing Company, Snifter, Tulip, United States |
One of the best representations for a Flemish sour I’ve had! Vibrant, tart, crisp, and refreshing. Poured out of a small 12.7 oz corked and caged bottle this brew erupted with beads of bubbles pushing their way to the top of a reddish-brown elixir. The use of...