New Belgium Brewing Inc. Beer Reviews
Founded in 1991 in Fort Collins, CO after starting as a homebrewing operation, now one of the largest breweries in the US covering a wide range of beer styles.

New Belgium Somersault
It’s lunch time on a Saturday and it’s 90 degrees. I passed by my Samichlaus and my Aphrodite and went straight to this refresher from New Belgium. I poured it straight down the center of my lager glass. It foamed and fussed for several minutes before it...
New Belgium Mighty Arrow Pale Ale
Mighty Arrow Pale Ale is a seasonal APA brewed and bottled by New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado. The one I’m reviewing tonight comes in the 12 oz. brown bottle with the signature New Belgium band around the neck. I picked this one up as a single...
New Beligum Ranger IPA
I was going to write a review, but then I found this video on New Belgium’s website which pretty much sums it up. I’ll give ‘em some mad props for creativity and introducing a new beer into their lineup. It looks as though NB is going with a new packaging scheme which...
New Belgium Sunshine Wheat
As soon as I had drained the last drop of Fat Tire from my glass, I felt I would continue the thus far positive New Belgium experience and helped myself to a cold bottle of Sunshine Wheat. The label speaks to days of old, when stacks of wheat were threshed and bound...