Crown Valley Brewing & Distilling Company Beer Reviews
Located in Sainte Genevieve, Missouri, Carl Wiersma used his brewing background to create his own line up of beers.
by Tom Smillie | American Pale Ale (APA), Crown Valley Brewing & Distilling Company, Missouri, Mug, Pint Glass, United States |
My second beer from Crown Valley Brewing needed to be one that is somewhat hop centric in order to see how they do brewing hoppier beers. I chose their APA as they do not brew an IPA that I could find. Now to start off, let me acknowledge that they brew a good number...
by Michael Larson | Crown Valley Brewing & Distilling Company, Dubbel, Goblet, Missouri, United States |
I love beer. I think at this point, that’s got to be a fairly obvious point. I love it for the taste, yes, the smell, the look and the unbelievable varieties. But I also love the circumstance that surrounds each brew. I rarely here the hiss of a bottle cap and proceed...
by Tom Smillie | Bohemian / Czech Pilsner, Crown Valley Brewing & Distilling Company, Flute Glass, Missouri, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Stange, United States |
Sampling beer from a new brewery is a two sided coin. It excites me, but at the same time terrifies me. Most often it probably comes down to my line of thinking which goes something like, “this could be a really great beer or suck something fierce.” This new brewery I...