Central Waters Brewing Company Beer Reviews
Founded in 1998, this central Wisconsin brewery uses solar panels to produce quality beers.
by Matt | American Amber / Red Ale, Central Waters Brewing Company, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Pint Glass, United States, Wisconsin |
Pours a nice, red amber, clear and bubbly with a one-finger head. Fruity ale smell- pleasant- malts and floral hops. First sip really hit me with an iron presence and I was immediately turned off. My first instinct is that the iron note comes from the water used in...
by Matt | Central Waters Brewing Company, Märzen / Oktoberfest, Mug, Pint Glass, United States, Wisconsin |
Pours a clear, transparent burnt orange with one finger head, quickly dissipates to a film in a matter of 1-2 minutes. Has the aroma of Munich malt, the typical grain used in the Marzen style. I brewed a Marzen earlier this year (the official style of many Octoberfest...