BrewDog Ltd. Beer Reviews
This Scottish brewery founded in 2006 and located in Fraserburgh is all about pushing the limits and making far out brews.
by Team | BrewDog Ltd., Imperial / Double IPA, Scotland, Snifter, Tulip, Wine Glass |
Taylor: BrewDog is a Scottish craft brewery that makes some crazy concoctions. They are notable for their awesome, antics-ridden videos, their deep hatred of commercial beer, and their Sink the Bismarck IPA, which is the highest ABV beer in the world, at 40%. They...
by Tom Smillie | BrewDog Ltd., Mug, Pint Glass, Scotland, Spiced / Herbed / Vegetable Beers |
This mid-range abv brew reminded me of an a newer twist on the Scottish ales of old. The beige thin head seemed to disappear into the amber-orange cloudy beverage as I pressed my nose in for a smell. Note: I have not had kola nuts or guarana so I have no point of...
by Taylor Birkey | American Amber / Red Ale, BrewDog Ltd., Mug, Pilsner Glass, Pint Glass, Scotland |
BrewDog … batty Scottish brewers that boil beer to buck trends in Britain. They have remained true to their approach with this ridiculous Amber Ale, if you could even call it that. It’s more like an Amber Ale that has been nuked by hops. It certainly lives...
by Tom Smillie | BrewDog Ltd., Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Scotland, Snifter |
My first venture into the world of BrewDog starts out with their interpretation of a Russian imperial stout. I found this bomber at the bottom of a shelf tucked behind a couple other singles. While I’d love to have reviewed a fresh bottle, I must report that my bottle...
by Noel | American Strong Ale, BrewDog Ltd., Mug, Pint Glass, Scotland, Snifter |
Every now and then, you run across a beer that you purchase purely out of curiosity (and perhaps a slight sense of wonderment). To be fair, those of us who call greater Chicagoland our home would probably jump at the chance to get our hands on anything involving Stone...