Brasserie Dieu du Ciel Beer Reviews
Located in Montreal, Canada, this brewery creates some great artisanal beers using interesting ingredients.
by Taylor Birkey | Brasserie Dieu du Ciel, Canada, Mug, Pint Glass, Spiced / Herbed / Vegetable Beers |
The mighty Aphrodite: a mythical queen of beauty. Tantalizing, fabled, seductive, ill-tempered, vain. It is for her that Canadian brewers Dieu du Ciel named their incredible cocoa and vanilla bean stout, Aphrodite (named Aphrodisiaque in Canada). Here is a stout...
by Taylor Birkey | Brasserie Dieu du Ciel, Canada, Coffee Beers, Pint Glass, Russian Imperial Stout, Snifter |
There is nothing quite like a beer with a really long French name. But wait! you say, Dieu du Ciel is in St. Jérôme! I found this particular beer as I was browsing the aisles, reading the labels of beers that have won different awards. The Péché Mortel, or...