German Pilsener Beer Reviews
While close to its Czech relative, this golden crisp brew is adapted for natural brewing resources.

Samuel Adams Noble Pils
Having been given the go-ahead from a fellow PHM I’m going to…wait for it…hop right into this review. Today’s selection is the new Spring seasonal by Sam Adams. Winning the Beer Lover’s Choice Award, Noble Pils was recently rolled out in place of their White...
Steam Whistle Premium Pilsner
Bombardier Q400. 32.8 M length, 28.4 M Wingspan, 667 km/h speed. As you may have guessed these are not the specs of the beer I’m reviewing. They are in fact, some of the specs of the plane I find myself in as currently I am flying somewhere over central Ontario from...
Peter’s Brand Pilsner
Cracked this import while watching some great playoff football. Not a lot of history on this brew nor its brewery. So if any of you beer connoisseurs have a little insight on Peters brand, feel free to share it with us! With that, I will dive right in… At first...