Doppelbock Beer Reviews
An uber-malty brew with double the strength: chocolatey, jammy, and hearty. This famous “liquid bread” is the antonym of IPA.
by Michael Larson | Capital Brewery, Doppelbock, Mug, Pilsner Glass, United States, Wisconsin |
I haven’t shut off my phone for months. I mean really shut it off. Hold the power button, slide the little red arrow and watch the Apple swirl until all goes black. Tonight, with a special release Capital Square Series brew in hand, it felt like the right thing to do....
by Taylor Birkey | Doppelbock, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Sand Creek Brewing Company, United States, Wisconsin |
Sand Creek Brewing Company is a locally praised operation out of Black River Falls, Wisconsin. They distribute only in the Midwest, to Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and Iowa. I was lucky enough to have a friend who went through there grab me some of their...
by Team | California, Doppelbock, Mug, Pilsner Glass, Trader Joe's, United States |
According to this brews label, Winterfest was brewed by Bavarian Monks to lift the spirits during the long fasts of lent. If I were to fast and consume large amounts of beer, I would soon crash and indulge in anything edible…I give those fasting fellows serious...
by Noel | Doppelbock, Germany, Mug, Paulaner Brauerei, Pilsner Glass |
Sometimes, one of a beer’s most distinctive characteristics is its history. Case in point: Paulaner’s doppelbock, Salvator. Back in ye old seventeenth century, when German friars from the mendicant order of Francis of Paola were doing all the brewing, they apparently...
by Tom Smillie | American Strong Ale, Doppelbock, Dubbel, Goblet, Mug, New York, Pilsner Glass, Pint Glass, Shmaltz Brewing Company, Snifter, United States |
After recovering from 13th Anniversary Jewbelation ale I wanted to give Shmaltz Brewing Company another shot. I’m a sucker for “limited release” beers and I just happened to find one by them. In keeping with the fact that just about all Bocks end in “tor” this beer is...
by Tom Smillie | Doppelbock, Germany, Kulmbacher Brewery, Mug, Pilsner Glass |
I going to come right out and say it. I’m not a huge fan of Bocks. I feel that their hardiness and malty features are better suited for ales and rather than lagers. However, I’m not saying that I completely hate them. If I were to drink a bock I would lean towards a...