American IPA Beer Reviews
Bright fruity, citrus, and floral notes in both aroma and taste. Hops rule.

Dogfish Head 60-Minute IPA
Nate: This is a lovely rendition of an IPA containing hops from the northwestern US. Hops are continually added, over 60 additions for 60 minutes. It’s a fresh tasting beer with lots of citrusy, grassy aromatics and a pleasant, not overpowering bitterness. There is...
Sierra Nevada 2009 Celebration Ale
We are in the final days of the year 2009 and I am in fact, celebrating. I have lots to celebrate: a healthy family consisting of a beautiful wife and amazing daughter- 5 years old in a week. A great job, one that uses my unique gifts and allows me to build...
Magic Hat Lucky Kat
The best gifts you can give are those that are free. Unless it’s beer, then the best gifts cost you something, roughly the price of the beer. A friend and fellow Perfectly Happy Man gifted me with several brews this holiday season, by leaving a mishmash of...
Lagunitas IPA
In my trek to find the perfect IPA, I’ve decided to take on the Lagunitas Brewing Company in Petaluma, California. They’re a fairly big name in American Craft beer, carried pretty much across the nation. This India Pale Ale is their self-proclaimed...