American Amber / Red Ale Beer Reviews
Toasty caramel malt notes with a moderate to strong hop quality. A hearty, well-balanced beer.

Trinity Red Ale
Pours a copper, slightly cloudy red color, 1 finger head; beer eventually clears quite well. Aroma is quite surprising, pleasant, and pleasing. Chocolate, caramel, coffee candy- really quite impressive. Like the inside of a coffee or candy shop. Taste: I definitely...
North Coast Red Seal Ale
After reading the reviews of North Coast Brewing Co. on The Perfectly Happy Man and seeing how highly rated their beers were, I figured it was time to introduce myself to this brewery. I primarily drink beer from breweries in my state of Michigan as I’m just doing my...
Bear Republic Red Rocket Ale
Appearance – dark, reddish brown, ruby. Unfiltered and cloudy, small head, no sediment/yeast in the bottle. Aroma – Hops, IPA-esque, but slightly muted, not as pronounced as an IPA. Hints of caramel as it warms. Taste – Bitter, a tad bit alcoholic, malty, spicy and...
AleSmith YuleSmith Holiday Ale
One moment I’m sitting in my living room on a cool, February evening in San Diego and I pop the cap of an Alesmith bomber. I pour. Immediately I am transported to a pine forest. Lots of resiny pine going on here. Towering, resiny pines. Am I having a stroke? No,...