Goblet Beer Reviews
Who doesn’t want to drink from a goblet or chalice? This famous beer glass is ancient and regal, designed for visual aesthetics and liquid capacity.
by John | Brewery Ommegang, Goblet, New York, Quadrupel, Snifter, Tulip, United States |
I am not a big lite beer fan, unless it’s with pizza so when I found Three Philosophers Belgian Quadrupel I was excited. I was initially disappointed. The beer is a beautiful color of deep but not dark brown. The second sip was smooth and velvety, and I encountered a...
by Michael Larson | Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Belgium, Goblet, Huyghe Brewery, Snifter, Tulip, Wine Glass |
This year, I went Christmas-crazy. Maybe it was for lack of much of the holiday spirit last year, I don’t know, but I have done everything. My wife and I baked Christmas cookies for eight hours straight. We put up garlands and our christmas tree and planned an...