Enjoyed this brew with my wife and father-in-law as we put together plans to finish our basement. Though I could use some libations to help influence some of the design promise. See, beer is good for all situations…ok, all the time. Paired this brew with some pizza pie from a local shop, highly recommended!
At first pour, this brew was dark brown/black with a reddish hue and 1/2 finger caramel head. It smelled of dark roasted malts, coffee, chocolate, and hops. The taste was nutty, hoppy and smoky along with pleasant hints of rich dark malts and coffee bean. The mouthfeel was rather heavy yet thinner than anticipated and seemed a bit flat. The beer finished leaving a strange chalky texture and broad nutty flavor that sat on the back of my tongue between sips. Good dark brew!
ABV: 5.3%
Grade: B